Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal combines a Phase 1 Habitat survey and Protected Species Assessment to provide an initial assessment of the value of a development site for wildlife and highlights the potential constraints to a development. The Preliminary Ecological Appraisal comprises a desk study, site visit and report and provides comprehensive baseline information on the ecology of a development site, highlights the likely impacts of the development and details the mitigation necessary to conserve the ecology and facilitate the development. The Preliminary Ecological Appraisal is usually the minimum requirement to submit with a planning application. Our reports are produced in line with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) and BS 42020:2013 Biodiversity. Code of Practice for Planning and Development. Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) For larger projects, which meet the criteria for Environmental Impact Assessment or where the ecology of the site has higher value, an Ecological Impact Assessment will likely be required. The Ecological Impact Assessment provides a more detailed assessment of the impacts of a development on the ecological interest within. The Ecological Impact Assessment utilise ecological survey data collected by our team or from previous existing ecological reports to either produce a standalone report or produce the Ecology Chapter elements for a full Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Statements. Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) Where projects have potential to directly or indirectly impact Natura 2000 or European Protected Sites including Special Protection Areas (SPA) or Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), a Habitat Regulation Assessment may be required. We have extensive experience of producing Habitat Regulations Assessments for projects including road infrastructure schemes for the Highways Agency and medium to large scale housing projects for private clients. Ecological Mitigation and Environmental Management Plans (EMEMP) Following a successful planning outcome, the LPA may include a condition for an Environmental Management Plan or Ecological Mitigation Plan or Strategy to demonstrate how the ecological mitigation and long term management of the completed development will be carried out. Usually these Ecological Mitigation and Management Plans are produced for a 5 or 10-year period to ensure that the site is managed appropriately to maintain the ecological interest during construction and following completion of the development. Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) Competent ecological supervision of construction sites is crucial to the delivery of development programmes and to ensure that mitigation measures are implemented correctly. On site guidance for contractors ensures legal compliance and adherence to planning conditions. We can provide ecological supervision for developments or part time ecological support where full time Ecological Clerk of Works is not a requirement; supporting the development team through provision of tool box talks and training.