With the mild temperatures over the last few weeks, the great crested newt breeding season has properly commenced. Great crested newts are a European Protected Species and one of the most common constraints to development projects. The approved period for surveying great crested newts is short, only running from mid-March to mid-June (late June for eDNA survey). If a development project is located within 500m of a suitable pond or ditch which could be used as a breeding site for newts then survey reports and mitigation plans are required where development activities could affect great crested newt habitat and in some circumstance a European Protected Species Mitigation licence may be required. Surveys need to show whether great crested newts are present in the area or nearby and how they use the site. Mitigation plans show how you’ll avoid, reduce or manage any negative effects to protected species. If you are intending to submit a planning application for a project this year where ponds are present onsite or nearby then contact Riverdale Ecology to discuss great crested newts and we can establish if surveys will be required.