Never underestimate grass, have you ever had a closer look? There are over 140 species of wild grasses in the UK not including sedges. Once you get away from manicured lawns the diversity and beauty of grasses is something that demands appreciation. Now is the time of year when many grass species are in flower and is the best time to see them. Under magnification the flowers can be as beautiful as any other wildflowers you might come across. The photograph above is false oat grass Arrhenatherum elatius, a very common and widespread grass, taken for granted and probably overlooked. But on close inspection the flowers are as stunning as anything else you might come across on a walk through the countryside.

Here at Riverdale Ecology we love being out surveying at this time of year and get to appreciate the grasses and other wildlife. It is also a great time to undertake Phase 1 Habitat Surveys for Preliminary Ecological Appraisals as all the flora and fauna are active and on show. Contact us now for a quote and we can get your site surveyed during this optimum period.